Hola chicos y chicas, esta es una de las ideas mas bonitas que he visto jamás para decorar habitaciones y cualquier lugar que queramos, se trata de mariposas para decorar habitaciones. Aquí os dejo un video que os puede ayudar y también os dejaré unas plantillas. Espero que os guste. Yo usaré un libro viejo que esta roto para usar esas páginas y hacer las mariposas 😀
25/04/2014 a las 21:36
estan chidas las mariposas pro se ven cmo mursielagos
23/04/2017 a las 13:26
April 7, 2008 at 11:53I felt strange reading this because it reminded me of my own childhood. I grew up in a �d88;wa2aࢭ where we had a pond and a lot of fruit trees. There were usually a lot of dragonflies and buttlerflies around. I was more of a tomboy and my favourite pastime was catching these things and keeping them in a matchbox. guess it was cruel but I didn’t kill any! I did once tie a string to a dragonfly and make it fly like a kite. Reply
22/05/2017 a las 12:13
It’s nice!! You could practice crafts and remember your childhood and relax doing them
17/02/2015 a las 20:15
Gracias por compartir, muy bueno